Tag: Lien Waiver Language

  • Construction Payment: Should You Sign That Lien Waiver?

    Construction Payment: Should You Sign That Lien Waiver?

    Lien waivers are a favorite topic for us here at the eponymous zlien blog. And their importance to the payment process in the construction industry is indisputable as waivers are exchanged with almost every payment on almost every project. As we’ve said in the past, lien waivers “are often the last document standing in the way…

  • The 5 Trickiest States for Lien Waivers

    The 5 Trickiest States for Lien Waivers

    While every state has specific and defined requirements for what information must appear on particular notice or lien documents (and even statutes that set forth the actual form of those documents themselves), lien waivers exist in a kind of purgatory: few states mandate the form or content, but some do; some states recognize the four…

  • The Office Manager’s Guide to Lien Waivers

    The Office Manager’s Guide to Lien Waivers

    A lien waiver is a document from a party on a construction project (a potential lien claimant) stating that they give up certain rights to file a mechanics lien  against the improved property (generally pursuant to payment or the promise of payment) as set forth in the document. This is supposed to work like a receipt, the…

  • Common Lien Waiver Language and What it Means for You

    Common Lien Waiver Language and What it Means for You

    In 12 states, lien waivers must all substantially follow statutory content requirements, but in the rest of the country it’s a free-for-all, with the only practical limitation being what’s on the document itself. If lien waivers aren’t standardized by rule (which they aren’t) and aren’t really standardized by practice (which they aren’t) then how can we…