Tag: Multimedia

  • The Mechanics Lien Spreadsheet that Every Contractor Needs [Free Template]

      When is our deadline to send a preliminary? Who do we need to send it to? Let me check the calendar, then my email, then the post-it notes around my computer. Then let me search the internet again. Is this you? You’re not alone. Everybody scrambles to stay on top of mechanics lien and notice requirements. You do…

  • Mechanics Lien Deadline Chart for Contractors [All 50 States]

    This article was originally posted on March 1, 2012. This post (and the download it links to) has been updated to reflect changes in lien laws since that time. Note that this chart is for parties that have contracted directly with the property owner. Not you? … > Download the Lien and Notice Deadline Chart for Subcontractors…

  • How Long Does a Mechanics Lien Last? [Infographic]

    What happens after you file a lien? We hope you get paid, and that’s generally the case, but it doesn’t always happen. In the few cases when filing a lien does not result in payment, the next step to recover the money owed is generally filing a law suit to enforce your lien. So, how long does…

  • Lien Enforcement Deadline Infographic

    All mechanics liens expire and are extinguished at some point, but when exactly is that date, and how is it calculated? The infographic below is a quick guide and provides some down-and-dirty info. Bear in mind, though, that lien enforcement deadlines are strict, strictly determined, and very, very important. While this infographic provides a brief…

  • Pay If Paid Clause Infographic: In Which States Are They Void?

    Pay if paid clauses are an attempt to shift the risk of non-payment on construction projects to subcontractors, suppliers, and other parties on the lower end of the payment chain. These clauses are looked upon with disfavor by courts in most states, and require certain specific language in order to be valid, where they can…