Tag: Collaboration

  • Construction Financial Manager Review | 06-16-2017

    Construction Financial Manager Review | 06-16-2017

    This week’s Construction Financial Manager Review features a selection of interesting articles from across the industry this week. Our goal is to make it easy for all construction financial professionals to stay informed about what matters to them.

  • How to Decrease Payment Risk for Construction Projects

    How to Decrease Payment Risk for Construction Projects

    Every year, $1 trillion of construction industry payments makes its way through the convoluted mess (see graphic). We call it the “payment chain,” and it’s the way projects have been run, and project participants have been paid, for a long, long time. But as complicated as this example looks, it represents a very “clean” project…

  • Safety Collaboration Works – Why Not Pave the Way for Payments?

    Safety Collaboration Works – Why Not Pave the Way for Payments?

    While ensuring worker safety is a top priority, little action has been taken to address construction payment issues. Why is the road to payment so treacherous for contractors, and how can parties take a similar collaborative approach to improving it as they have for worker safety?

  • How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology

    How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology

    If you’re reading this, then chances are you are somehow involved in the construction industry which is not necessarily known for its early adoption of new (any?) technology. Sure, construction tech is hot, and there are plenty of construction-specific technologies being introduced all the time. But Slack sounds like it belongs in an office full…