Tag: Cash Management

  • Growth Eats Cash, and Construction Is Always Hungry

    Growth Eats Cash, and Construction Is Always Hungry

    Construction businesses are more likely to fail in a growing economy than in a declining economy. How likely, you ask? For subcontractors, the answer is three times more likely. Seems crazy, doesn’t it? Businesses are supposed to fail in an economic downturn, not during an expansion. How is it possible that a growing economy is…

  • CFM Review: Does Construction Need Its Own Business Status?

    Every Friday, we select a few articles from the week that we think are worth your time as a construction financial manager (CFM). We look for compelling articles not only about financial topics, but about business, technology, and life, that challenges you to think about your role as a CFM in different ways. We’d love…

  • CFM Review: 5 Technologies to Increase Cash Flow

    Every Friday, we select a few articles from the week that we think are worth your time as a construction financial manager (CFM). We look for compelling articles not only about financial topics, but about business, technology, and life, that challenges you to think about your role as a CFM in different ways. We’d love…

  • What the Billtrust + zlien Partnership Means To You

    Here is a story of two credit and collection departments: the status-quo team and the data-driven team. The status quo team has a way of doing things that work, and has worked for years. Their credit risks are controlled, and their collection rates are acceptable to management. Their system may be a green-screen, but it…

  • Construction Executive Risk Management Publishes Guide to Improve Receivables and Cash Flow

    It’s no big secret that the construction industry faces payment challenges, and difficulties throughout the payment chain. When such a high volume of labor and/or material furnished on credit combines with the large number of parties on a project and the complicated payment structure tying them together, there are bound to be some hiccups. Payments become…